What it's all about

Rummaging through life's couch cushions for topics in the law, economics, sports, stats, and technology

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I am the Walrus

Who was it that said perfect was the enemy of the good? Or that good was the enemy of great? Was it Lenin? Lennon? Elvis? I forget. I could google it, but, I'm tired. Whatever.

I've been kicking with this blog thing for nearly a month, and while I haven't provided Daily Effin' Content, I've come pretty close. That's not bad for a semi-busy lawyer with a questionable work ethic. Yet I haven't made any effort to promote it yet. There are two reasons for this: 1) I don't think what I've been writing has been all that earth shattering, and 2) I'm waiting for a time when I write a humswinger of a blog entry before I start telling people about it.

Both of these are character flaws, I suppose. I could die before I write a humswinger, and no one would even know this blog existed. Why not just put it out there, man?

There's an awful sandwich-load to be said for youthful naivete, when you aren't comparing yourself to the Klostermans and the Vonneguts of the world, but rather, you just put your retarded self out there are don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. Because that person gets their crap out there and gets feedback. And that feedback makes that person better.


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