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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

People who’ve got something to say: Paul Graham

Perhaps the best writers are those who can get you to care about something you would normally find boring. That’s what Paul Graham did for me with computers and programming. Not only does he write with experience about entrepreneurship as well or better than anyone I’ve ever read, but he makes the computer programmer, known as a “hacker” in his parlance, seem like a sort of magician with code, capable of solving any problem or inventing a Willy-Wonka-esque array of tools and toys for the public to enjoy.  Despite having almost no background in computers, Graham makes me want to be a hacker, as naïve as that might sound.  


What surprised me most about Graham’s conception of a programmer was his unwavering emphasis on creativity.  My stereotype of creativity revolves around artists, writers, painters, and musicians.  Paul Graham’s book, Hackers and Painters, likens computer programmers to painters.  He views talent for hackers in much the same way as he would an artist – one might judge either based on the ability to take a blank canvass and make something extraordinary that others can appreciate and enjoy.  If you can’t do that, you’re not much of a hacker or a painter. 
Graham’s skill as a writer fits with his vision of programmer.  He thinks good code is parsimonious and efficient, and that’s the way he writes as well. His book and his essays pack considerable information and analysis into terse prose, which makes it easy to learn a lot about starting a business and programming by reading his site.   

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